Brandnew Miley Cyrus domain up for adoption a miley cyrus domain. If you are interested please apply.

23 Responses to “Brandnew Miley Cyrus domain up for adoption”

  1. Please send me a message telling me if i could adopt The website! I Am a miley cyrus fan obviously and i have about 790 pictures of her on my computer and i have numerous of fan sites about her. If you could please let me adopt the domain ? 🙂

  2. Nice One,Kimmy! <33 How`s Your Miley Fansite btw? (:

  3. No let ME!!!! I ahve over 900 pictures of Miley Cyrus on my computer, so beat that Stephanie, and I’ve never had my own website before, but I’m really good at designing them and I AM DEFINITELY MILEY’s BIGGEST FAN! pleaseeeee?

  4. I want to provide the site, if you can, of course it has not yet been adopted

  5. i can adopt it 🙂 i have loads of news and everything about miley 🙂 xxx

  6. but do you have to pay for it? if i do, sorry i can’t adopt it.

  7. No everything is free 🙂

  8. SmilerForEver says:

    Can I Adopt It!??

  9. MilezSmiler says:

    Actually I don’t have a website cause I don’t know how to make one.I searched”how to make a website” but I’m not sure if the pages I’m looking are free or ‘high quality’.I really want to create a good ,free website for Miley!HELP?

  10. MilezSmiler says:

    Actually I don’t have a website.I really wanna make one for Miley but I don’t know how.I searched on google “how to make a website” or blog..but it gives me many programmes and I’m not sure if all of them are good and free.I need to make one ‘high quality’ website for Miley.HELP?thnxx

  11. Can I adopt the Page Please I want a Miley Cyrus Fanpage so much.
    I Love her and i will Support her. I don’t have a own Fanpage, but i want a Fanpage. I hope i can adopt the Fanpage.

  12. Can I adopt the Page
    I need so much

  13. I will adopt the site. I am a smiler since I am8 years old [i am 13 now] i can provide all the latest photos and news of miley cyrus. i have website of her but if you will give me a chance to let me have it, well thank you. 🙂

  14. Julyana says:

    I am one month trying to create a site 🙁 which I cant, I would very much if you donate this site, I have put a lot of news, like a lot, muitoo 🙁

  15. I’m not really quite sure what to presume regarding the notion of this particular subject however what I do realize is that I really have some large shoes to fill. My own shoes really mean pretty much everything with me. While I do have confidence in choice of speech, I can certainly see where a person may be required to draw the line somewhere.

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