If your a Taylor Swift fan and want to adopt this site please send in an application or send a email to admin@fanzilla.org.

69 Responses to “TaylorSwiftWorld.org Up for adoption”

  1. I’m a fan of Taylor Swift in a long time I love her music, and to speak the truth and Taylor are my inspiration I am Able to Do Anything even if it is to have one minute with it and I have the pleasure of adopting These site for me. Thank you, Julia.

  2. I think that the site should not be put up for adoption… I think that the person that runs the site should get someone to at least help so that the site wont shut down!!!!! >:(

  3. How can we apply to take over?

  4. Gabrielle says:

    I like to adopt this site

  5. hey!
    If you still can apply for this site I like to adopt it
    I really love taylor and her songs!

  6. I would LOVE to adopt Taylor Swift’s fansite!I am a very big fan and I spend a lot of time updating news on my every social networks(twitter,facebook,tumblr..)I had a fansite and I was updating it EVERYDAY with twitter times,get the looks,top or flop,lyrics center and of course news and photos!!!But unfortunately the fansite host had a problem so they deleted it!If you give me the Taylor Swift fansite hosting you won’t regret cuz I really always update and I take the responsibility of having a fansite.Thank you.

  7. I love Taylor Swift and I know everything about her. i read her tweets and facebook posts every day. i am up to date with everything about her! i am looking forward to own this site. im always on the computer and will update it every day. i will do anything to get this site

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